
Peters Canyon Regional Park

For some birding listings, the street address is for the headquarters and not the actual bird watching destination. Call ahead for entry fees, parking information, and regulations regarding family pets.

Peters Canyon Regional Park

548 E. Canyon View Avenue, Orange, CA 92869, Tel: 714-973-6611


Peters Canyon Regional Park encompasses 354 acres of coastal sage scrub, riparian, freshwater marsh and grassland habitats. Trials are available for hikers, mountain bikers, and equestrians. Wildlife include mule deer, bobcats, coyotes, opossums, raccoons and an occasional mountain lion, plus smaller amphibians, mammals, and reptiles.


Yellow-breasted Chats, Tri-colored Blackbirds, Warblers, Mallards, Northern Shovelers, Ruddy Ducks, Great Blue Herons, Snowy Egrets, Cactus Wrens, Gnatchatchers, Rufous-crowned Sparrotw, Sred-tail Hawks, Red Shouldered Hawks.


Bird listings may include resident and migratory birds and common and rare sightings.


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